Code/Mobile, Recode’s annual mobile technology conference, has become the norm for someone from Apple to appear. Last year, Apple VP Greg Joswiak took to the conference stage. This year, for the first time, Code/Mobile will feature Apple Pay head Jennifer Bailey. Bailey was most recently seen publicly on stage at WWDC and interviewed on CNBC.

The conference usually takes the form of a Q/A interview, so no doubt Bailey will be quizzed by the Recode hosts on the uptake of Apple Pay as well as new features in iOS 9 like loyalty cards and the rebranding of Passbook as ‘Wallet’.

The conference will have a focus on mobile payments so Bailey is definitely an appropriate choice for the event.

Bailey is also notable as one of a very limited number of female Apple employees to ever present at an Apple event, although Apple CEO Tim Cook has pledged that this balance will be changing going forward. At yesterday’s Hey Siri event, Jen Folse ran the onstage demo of the new Apple TV, for instance.