Apple and its partner NV Energy today confirmed plans for an expansion of their solar operations for up to an additional 200 megawatts of energy to support the growing needs of Apple’s data center in Reno.

In addition to supporting Apple’s data center, the announcement notes that Apple will keep 5 megawatts of the new plant to sell to residential and commercial customers through NV Energy. Last summer Apple notably created a new energy subsidiary called Apple Energy LLC to begin selling excess energy from its solar farms and shortly after received approval to do so.

Apple’s vice president for environment, policy and social initiatives Lisa Jackson offered a statement in the announcement, noting that its operations with NV Energy for its data centres allow iMessages, FaceTime video chats and Siri inquiries to be powered by clean solar energy:

Apple plans to have the new 200 megawatt solar plant up and running by 2019.

“Investing in innovative clean energy sources is vital to Apple’s commitment to reaching, and maintaining, 100 percent renewable energy across all our operations,” said Apple’s vice president for environment, policy and social initiatives Lisa Jackson. “Our partnership with NV Energy helps assure our customers their iMessages, FaceTime video chats and Siri inquiries are powered by clean energy, and supports efforts to offer the choice of green energy to Nevada residents and businesses.”