Apple has curated a new App Store section today highlighting Global Accessibility Awareness Day, which is observed on May 21st each year with the goal of “raising the profile of and introducing the topic of digital (web, software, mobile app/device etc.) accessibility and people with different disabilities to the broadest audience possible.”

The featured App Store section includes 15 apps for iPhone, iPad, and even Apple Watch including Proloquo2Go and Proloquo4Text augmentative and alternative communication apps, Instapaper which features a font that makes text easier for dyslexic readers, and other apps with support for Apple’s accessibility features including the popular Workflow and djay 2 apps among several others.

Accessibility has been a focus for Apple for some time now with Apple recently putting VP Lisa Jackson in charge of the effort. The American Foundation for the Blind recently honored the company for its VoiceOver features. Apple devotes a page for the Apple Watch’s features for hearing and vision impaired users, while Apple CEO Tim Cook recently saying “it will become better at more things over time.”

You can check out the Accessibility Awareness Day section on the App Store for all the featured apps.

Thanks Steven!