Apple has published a new page on its website titled “Life on iPad.” The page highlights stories of iPad usage in a variety of capacities from Broadway to the operating room. The page also features the video from the iPad Air keynote showing the iPad in many of these same uses.

There are six total stories on the page, each with an entirely different take on how businesses and individuals are using the iPad to to improve their jobs. For example, a page on Siemens Energy’s wind power division details how iPads have replaced countless pages of manuals and repair plans for workers working 250 feet in the air.

Dr. Itaru Endo of Yokohamo City University discusses how he uses iPads running custom-built software during liver transplants.

The page fits with Apple’s continued push to position the iPad as the tablet that can go anywhere. With the iPad Air’s thin and light new form factor, the company released an ad highlighting the capabilities of the iPad to “illustrate things, solve things, [and] think of new things.” The “Life on iPad” campaign looks like an extension of this “go anywhere, do anything” attitude.