MusicAlly notes Apple has published an extensive guide for indie artists attempting to get themselves signed up onto the ‘social network for music’, Ping. The move attempts to meet some critics who’ve panned the service for its pro major label slant. The Artist Ping – Guidelines document that gives tips on getting up and running. It includes the inevitable content policies, “no pornography, hate speech, racism, nudity or drug use”. Artists are also warned not to link to sites outside of iTunes or to other providers. Apple also urges acts (and their reps), “Do not create your artist profile until you are ready to make a post or two. Fans will be far more likely to follow you if they can tell that your profile is active.” Max video size is 2GB (about ten minutes), and the company is recommending artists submit video in .Mov or .m4v or .mp4 formats — the only ones Apple supports. The focus on movie-making also suggests users record video using an iPhone, which could suggest a widening of the Ping service to the iOS platforms can be expected. Grab the full document here (via Music Ally).