Blockchain, the most popular Bitcoin wallet app, has become the latest casualty of Apple’s apparent crackdown on Bitcoin apps. The app was removed from the App Store yesterday without explanation.

Apple had previously removed BitPak and Coinbase, leaving Blockchain the only remaining Bitcoin wallet app. Blockchain had been in the store since April 2012, and has around 120,000 users, and developer Nicolas Cary is accusing Apple of having an ulterior motive for its removal … 

The reality is likely to be rather more mundane: with governments and financial authorities unsure of how to respond to the unregulated artificial currency, Apple has most probably decided to play it safe until the legal position is clearer.

Some non-wallet Bitcoin apps remain in the App Store for now, such as ZeroBlock (a simple ticker app for tracking Bitcoin values).

The Android version of the app is still available on the Google Play Store.