Fortune has put together its “Change the World” list, which recognizes company’s that are making a positive impact, and Apple has come in at number three. Tim Cook also spoke with Fortune to explain more about how he thinks Apple is changing the world for the better and also shared that he believes Apple products aren’t just for the rich (a day before the ~$1000 iPhone X debut).

Fortune notes that under Tim Cook, the “company transformed in terms of how it projects onto the world its social awareness and its place in the corporate community.” With the new approach, Apple puts more effort into sharing its philanthropic and other positive initiatives.

While there may be a good number of differences between today’s Apple compared to when Jobs was CEO, interesting enough Cook still sees Apple’s products as the most important way the company makes a positive impact.

Cook also details how Apple works to change the world through human rights advocacy, a focus on privacy, education, and environment, but circles back to products as the most important aspect…

Fortune also brought up Apple’s goal to make products that everyone can use, in contrast to a business strategy of making premium priced products. Cook responded by highlighting its more affordable (and more recent) entry level devices.

The full interview covers much more including Cook discussing why Apple doesn’t have a foundation, Apple’s education, healthcare, and privacy efforts, the app economy, and how devices are effecting social behavior. In conclusion Tim Cook shared this: