Interbrand assesses the all-in value of a brand by analysing three factors …

  • The financial performance of the branded products and services
  • The role the brand plays in influencing customer choice
  • The strength the brand has to command a premium price or secure earnings for the company

Last year, Interbrand said that Apple’s ecosystem was key to the company’s value.

It this year estimated that the value of the Apple brand had increased by 3%, relatively modest compared to the five fastest-growing brands.

Interbrand put Apple’s value at $184B, well ahead of second-placed Google at $141B. It noted that tech firms make up 15 of the top 100 companies, just behind automotive at 16.

Apple of course regularly wins awards, recent ones including Best Paper at a prestigious machine learning conference, and a technical Emmy for Siri’s integration with Apple TV.

Chart: Business Insider