Taiwanese site UDN is reporting that Apple has rejected both Samsung and Sharp as potential third suppliers of displays for the 4.7-inch iPhone 6 in favor of local company Innolux. Apple is believed to have already chosen LG and Japan Display as its primary display panel suppliers, but was said to be seeking a third to help meet likely demand.

While Innolux is a major global player in LCD panels, Taiwanese media is not always the most reliable of sources when it comes to reports of contracts awarded to local companies. In particular, the reason given – that Samsung is too much of a direct competitor – makes little sense given that that Apple’s chips for both iPhones and iPads are made by Samsung.

We recently reported that the iPhone 6 is likely to be released with a 1704×960 pixel display, one-and-a-half times the resolution of the iPhone 5/S/C.

Via GforGames