The Apple Research app has received an update today that brings two notable changes with one of them being focused on taking into account how the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting daily life for those in the Apple Heart and Movement Study.

Apple launched its Research app back in November last year for those in the US. Three studies were made available to participate in to advance important health research: Apple Hearing Study, Apple Heart and Movement Study, and the Apple Women’s Health Study.

The three studies are being done in partnership with the University of Michigan, the American Heart Association and Bringham and Women’s Hospital, and the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and National Institue of Health Sciences.

Today’s update to version 1.3 brings bug fixes and improvements along with a new “Speech in Noise” test for the Hearing Study and a new survey in the Heart and Movement Study to give insight to how COVID-19 is changing “daily life.”

You can download the latest Research app update here (still propagating on the App Store) and sign up to participate (approval needed) if you haven’t already to help support groundbreaking health research.

Full release notes:

  • New ’Speech in Noise’ test in the Apple Hearing Study to help understand participants’ hearing ability under various circumstances, including the presence of background noise
  • New survey in the Apple Heart & Movement Study to help understand the impact of COVID-19 on daily life