Besides the more colorful and flatter design and several features, iOS 7 introduced plenty of bugs to the iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. Several bugs have been squashed over the course of software updates issued in the past few months, but the recurring bugs have been application crashes and random rebooting. After months of complaints, Apple has finally responded by saying that it is aware of the issue and that a fix is coming:
Apple has been testing an upcoming iOS 7.1 release with developers, and people using the beta operating system have noted that it feels much more stable and less prone to crashes than the public release of iOS 7. However, Apple has not confirmed if the crashes fix is labeled as the iOS 7.1 update or an earlier bug fix (perhaps iOS 7.0.5). Nonetheless, iOS 7.1 will also bring with it several enhancements, including a reversal in design for the Calendar application and icon changes in the phone app.