The average iPhone user has already spent $80 on Apps, according to fresh research from AppsFire. The company, which provides a service for “sharing” iPhone apps with others, conducted a survey of 1,200 of its (mostly US-based) users to establish some key data on the habits of iPhone and iPod touch users.

Key points include: – The average iPhone user has downloaded 65 apps for a cost of around $80 for paid apps. – The survey group had downloaded around 15,000 apps in total, suggesting that around 50,000 apps aren’t being downloaded particularly frequently. – The average selling price of each app is around $1.56. – 54 per cent of installed Apps are free apps. – Just 7 per cent of users only have free apps. – Extrapolated, AppsFire estimates the total paid app market to be worth c.$3.3 billion, that’s before Apple takes its 30 per cent cut on sales.