Apple is having a busy time in court at the moment. Not only is it defending the iPod DRM class action, but is this morning beginning its appeal of the verdict of last year’s ebook trial.

The court ruled that Apple was guilty of anti-competitive practices in two ways. First, the company asked publishers to switch from wholesale pricing – where publishers sold in bulk to retailers, who set their own prices – to an agency model, where publishers set retail prices and retailers took a commission. The court ruled that this reduced price competition … 

Should Apple lose the appeal, the final damages sum of $450M has already been pre-approved by the court. While the sum is relatively modest in Apple terms, and some were surprised Apple continued to fight, Eddy Cue said in an interview with Fortune that the company felt that the principle was an important one.

Appler’s legal team is also facing a further class action suit over MacBook Pro GPU issues, that one recently extended to Canada,

We feel we have to fight for the truth […] You have to fight for your principles no matter what.