Apple has released two new ads that use Animoji to sing Grammy nominated songs, as spotted by Adweek. The exclusive iPhone X feature has been very popular and also controversial as some see it as gimmicky. Apple has just added an additional four Animoji characters in iOS 11.3.

The 60-second clips each feature a Grammy nominated song. The dog Animoji sings ”Stir Fry” by rap trio Migos, and the alien Animoji performs “Redbone” by Childish Gambino.

Adweek claims that all visual work was done on the iPhone X and that there was no other animation work involved (although the duration was extended as the default limit is 10 seconds of capture).

The two new ads will air during the Grammy Awards, the site states.

It’s nice seeing Apple still supporting, and more importantly marketing the feature. Hopefully in the future Apple will give more controls to users to customize their clips and record clips longer than ten seconds.

The ads can be viewed below.