TechCrunch claims to have also heard that Apple is planning a late-January event that will focus on its media-related business. The event, first reported this morning, is said to involve Apple’s Senior Vice President of Internet Software and Services Eddy Cue. Cue’s responsibilities range from the App Store, iTunes Store, iAd, iCloud, and iBooks.
TechCrunch’s report adds some new tidbits: they said that Apple’s late-January event will not feature any hardware at all (previously said to lack mention of a new iPad or television), but will rather be solely about iBooks and publishing. TechCrunch’s source went as far as to claim that the event is “not major.”
Apple Cofounder Steve Jobs noted in an interview with biographer Walter Isaacson that he always dreamed of reinventing the textbook. Cue, in charge of Apple’s already existing iBooks publishing business, would be the perfect person to introduce such a service.
The event will unveil improvements to the iBooks platform according to the same source, and is not “major.”