Apple this weekend has shared five new Apple Watch how-to videos on YouTube. These videos focus on things like changing your Apple Watch videos, adjusting your Move goal, and more fitness features.
Each video comes in at right around 30 seconds in length, covering a specific feature of the Apple Watch. They continue the style used by Apple in other Apple Watch and iPhone tutorial videos.
For instance, one video covers how to use Siri on Apple Watch, specifically focusing on using the viral assistant to start a workout. Another video covers using the Activity app on your paired iPhone to view your past awards and progress.
Continuing the fitness trend, one video focuses on adjusting your Move goal, while another shows you to how to set a goal for an outdoor run. Last but not least, the fifth video shows off how to customize your Apple Watch by changing its band.
Apple has regularly uploaded how-to videos for its various devices on YouTube, covering the iPhone, Apple Watch, iPad, and more. View all five of today’s new videos below.
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