Apple has shared its latest white paper via its machine learning journal. Today’s entry is “Learning with Privacy at Scale” and covers specific algorithms Apple is using with differential privacy to improve product features with some specific use cases like discovering popular emoji.
Launched this past summer, Apple has used its machine learning journal to share about the evolution of Siri, how ‘Hey Siri’ works, its facial detection, and more.
Today’s paper shares details about the balance of accessing user data to improve products, while using local differential privacy to protect users’ information.
Apple also notes that its system is opt-in only and transparent, with no data recorded or sent before user approval.
The document goes into detail about the system architecture Apple is using as well as the algorithms it has designed, including a “Private Count Mean Sketch”, “Private Hadamard Count Mean Sketch”, and a “Private Sequence Fragment Puzzle”.
As for use cases, Apple notes that it is able to improve predictive emoji QuickType suggestions based on location.
Other use cases include “Identifying High Energy and Memory Usage in Safari” and “Discovering New Words”.
The data shows many differences across keyboard locales. In Figure 6, we observe snapshots from two locales: English and French. Using this data, we can improve our predictive emoji QuickType across locales.
Read the full journal entry here.