“My inclination is to be suspect” about Apple’s new service, said Shubha Ghosh, an antitrust professor at the University of Wisconsin Law School. Two key questions in Mr. Ghosh’s mind: Whether Apple owns enough of a dominant position in the market to keep competitors out, and whether it is exerting “anticompetitive pressures on price.”
What do you guys think? Should Apple be able to take 30% of sales made through the store?
” Millions will be spent litigating how broad the market is,” said Herbert Hovenkamp, an antitrust professor at the University of Iowa College of Law.
Mr. Hovenkamp said digital media is the most plausible market. He said he doubted that Apple, currently, has a sufficiently dominant position in that market to warrant antitrust scrutiny.
But, he said, if Apple gets to a point where it is selling 60% or more of all digital subscriptions through its App Store, “then you might move into territory where an antitrust challenge would seem feasible.”