In a video sent directly to Apple Store employees, newly appointed Senior Vice President of Apple Retail John Browett has promised a three month advance on employee salary raises. Apple Store employees were previously scheduled to see their raises on September 30th of this year, but now these raises will come on June 30th. These raises come in addition to the Mac and iPad discounts promised by Apple CEO Tim Cook earlier this year.

These employee raises are said to work on a “1-5 scale.” Depending on individual store sales performance during a designated time period, employees will be given raises between 1% and 5% of their current salary. This three month advance is apparently a one time internal promotion, so the raises for 2013 will likely come during the later part of the year, not June.

John Browett previously sent employees a letter to introduce himself:

Browett reportedly reiterated some of that letter in this first video to retail employees. Browett officially joined Apple in April of this year, and he is the successor to Apple Retail pioneer Ron Johnson. Johnson left Apple in November 2011 to become the CEO of J.C. Penney. Browett comes from Dixons, a United Kingdom-based retail chain, where he was the CEO. Former retail chief Ron Johnson occasionally sent videos to the Apple Retail teams, but this three month advance on raises makes an interesting and unique gift from Browett.