Apple CEO Tim Cook opened the Computers, Privacy & Data Protection conference last week with a speech about privacy due to Data Privacy Day. After being broadcast live, the speech was uploaded today on Apple’s official YouTube channel.

During the 12-minute speech, Cook once again expressed his concerns about privacy and data security. He argued that the digital advertising market has been invading personal privacy for decades and that Apple wants to stop this by giving users the right to choose whether or not they want to be tracked.

Tim Cook highlighted new features introduced with iOS 14 that will reinforce users’ privacy, such as the new App Store privacy labels and also the new App Tracking Transparency API — which will force developers to ask users before collecting data from them.

“As I’ve said before, if we accept as normal and unavoidable that everything in our lives can be aggregated and sold, we lose so much more than data, we lose the freedom to be human. And yet, this is a hopeful new season, a time of thoughtfulness and reform.”

Although Cook didn’t mention Facebook directly, he did condemn companies that use privacy breaches as a business model.

You can watch the full video below:

Read also:

  • Tim Cook condemns Facebook business model, says valuing engagement over privacy leads to ‘polarization’ and ‘violence’
  • Tim Cook talks about Apple’s commitment to privacy and endorses GDPR in new interview
  • Facebook testing new prompt asking users to allow tracking ahead of Apple’s ATT launch