Apple this evening has shared six new video advertisements for Apple Watch. All six of the ads have different focuses, but all of them center around what Apple Watch is useful for and in what instances it can be used effectively.

The first ad is called “Sprinkle” and focuses on Apple Watch’s support for Apple Pay, which is the company’s contactless payment solution. The second ad is entitled “Date” and showcases how notifications are handled with Apple Watch, including the light vibration your wrist feels whenever you receive a message. The next ad, called “Ride,” focuses on Apple Maps and how it works with Apple’s wearable. The video showcases a user asking Siri for directions to a destination.

The fourth ad is called “Cycle” and showcases a user working out while wearing Apple Watch and using the Activity app to track her progress as she goes. “Train” is a new ad that features Apple Watch’s ability to track heart rate, a capability that can even be lifesaving, as we learned last month. Finally, “Sing” is the sixth ad today from Apple and shows a user singing into the device, recording it, and sending it as an audio message to his girlfriend.

All of Apple’s new Apple Watch ads come in at 15 seconds in length and can be seen below: