SDK beta 2 is now available as a 1.36GB download from Apple’s developer website. The kit contains all the tools developers may need to build applications for the device, and now also includes an Interface Builder, a visually-based tool that lets us build application interfaces using drag-&-drop. Developers also gain access to new sample code and technical documentation, as Cupertino’s iPhone dev team respond to the first batch of developer feedback. The first version of the essential toolkit was introduced just weeks ago, indicating Apple to be prioritizing iPhone in its R&D cycle. 

Apple has also responded to complaints from some developers that they were summarily rejected from signing up to the $99 per year iPhone Developer Program. A note on the iPhone Dev Centre website explains: “We have many more requests than we can serve during this initial beta period, so we must limit the Program at this time. We plan to expand it during the beta period, and we will contact you regarding your enrollment status at the appropriate time. We appreciate your patience.” Finally, Apple has posted a new recruitment ad to fill the post of Handwriting Recognition Engineer, working with its Mac OS X handwriting recognition technology, Inkwell. “The recognition technology you create may extend beyond Mac OS X to other applications and the iPhone,” the ad explains.