ABC published some out-takes from a video Apple provided it showing Steve Jobs in the run up to the iPhone launch and at other times later in his tenure at Apple that depict his lighter, more humanistic side. Apple has previously worked with ABC, providing Tim Cook airtime to discuss both Apple and Steve Jobs a year ago.
The move by Apple is likely in response to two negative movies that portray the Apple cofounder in an arguably negative light; these are hitting theaters this month. The release of these clips follow up on Apple executives posting positive essays about Jobs in recent days on Apple’s website for employees.
Steve Jobs’s own wife, Laurene Powell Jobs, even reportedly tried to stop the Sorkin movie from launching, but she never publicly confirmed these attempts. Former Apple colleagues such as Andy Hertzfeld have said that the movie “deviates from reality everywhere,” while the movie’s producers stress they “made a good movie.”
The Steve Jobs movie, based on Walter Isaacson’s authorized biography, goes on limited release in theaters on October 9th and general release on October 23rd.