During its Platforms State of the Union presentation at WWDC yesterday, Apple showed off more features for developers that didn’t make the cut for its publicly streamed keynote event. One announcement made for developers is a redesigned version of iTunes Connect— the web app developers use to upload and maintain content on the App Store. 

On top of a redesigned interface pictured above, Apple has revamped the dashboard with more info for developers about apps and a new analytics feature that provides data points like how many users visited store pages, how many users went onto purchase an app, and how many remained active over time.

Apple said it’s working hard to improve the overall developer experience with the new version of iTunes Connect and expects to roll it out later this year. When the new version does become available, it will be enabled automatically in iOS and won’t require any code for developers to start taking advantage.

In addition, Apple also talked about its new TestFlight beta testing service, which it noted supports up to 1000 beta testers (not devices) and works with Apple IDs, as well as the announcement it would start aggregating crash reports for developers sometime next year.