
We are all familiar with Apple’s well-produced product ads, but Apple released a new ad today that is not exactly aimed to the masses. First spotted by TechCrunch, Apple posted a video showing how it has benefited auto manufacturer Land Rover through its iAd campaign. The video is an attempt to hook potential advertisers to its iAd network that is currently deployed throughout many iOS apps as a way for developers (and Apple) to earn some cash from apps. Land Rover’s Communications Manager Ken Bracht shared his thoughts on iAd advertising and its effectiveness:

iAd has suffered a few hurdles over the past year, from executives leaving to having issues getting big clients to sign with the network, but Apple’s new ad could help. Along with the ad above, Apple also released a case study on the matter.  [Apple via TechCrunch]

 “There is a difference between someone sitting on their couch absorbing that 30-second television ad and someone actually engaged in their iPhone or their iPad. There’s definitely higher attentiveness with something like an iAd as opposed to a television ad.”