Apple is inviting staff to vote for one of 20 different ‘community themes,’ a list of worthy projects ranging from using technology to boost environmental sustainability to empowering the elderly. One of the projects is geared to making Apple products more available to those who would not normally be able to afford them.

The internal document references Apple’s approach of ‘a thousand no’s for every yes’ and says that votes will determine which themes go forward into further development and testing …

There is some apparent overlap in the 20 themes, but each is said to be supported by specifics which distinguish them.

One of the themes is ‘Increase Access to Apple Products When They’re Out of Reach.’

Apple does already support some schools and community projects with free or discounted equipment.

This theme is about making Apple products available to those who need our technology most but can’t afford it.

We want to experiment with ideas like:

  • Repurposing recycled or retired Apple products for use by community organizations
  • Offering customers the option to donate devices they trade in back to the community
  • Expanding the Trade Up program to donate a percentage of devices to schools in need

You can see the full list of the 20 themes below.

Photo: Louvre Apple Store, Paris (Wikipedia)