Apple has replaced its iPad in Business apps website with a new site that is much simpler and more direct. The new page highlights multiple specific use cases for which a business could use an iPad, then presents specific applications to complete those tasks. The old website was more cluttered and less specific. The iPhone version of Apple’s business apps website still showcases the older format…

The categories of the highlighted iPad business apps are: accessing content, communicating points, capturing data, analyzing reports, and processing transactions.

At the bottom of the new website, Apple also includes several videos of business owners discussing how they use the iPad within their respective companies. Besides highlighting apps for small businesses and personal productivity, Apple highlights ways that major corporations have been adapting to the iPad.

Some examples of companies include Hallmark, Siemens Energy, and Sonic Automotive. The most notable part about this campaign is that Apple describes the company tools prior to iPad adoption and how the companies converted their tools to iPad apps. It seems that this new push is designed to demonstrate to businesses that the iPad could replace many of the legacy devices and technologies used by businesses today.

The final section of Apple’s redesigned site for iPad business applications highlights using custom-built applications in the field. This portion of the website also highlights the ways that companies could distribute in-house apps to employees. The page also includes profiles of how major companies use in-house applications, but the profile videos have existed elsewhere on Apple’s website for at least several months.