Research firm Asymco released some interesting numbers today about Apple’s retail stores—with the help of RetailSails, which gathered the data. According to the report, Apple has a 17 times better sales performance in its physical retail stores per square foot than the average retail store. The Cupertino-based Apple also doubles the sales of Tiffany & Co., which is in second place. You can see the company leads by a very large margin in the graph below.
Furthermore, Apple also leads sales growth in the retail space. Best Buy and GameStop were the only two other technology companies that made the list, but both companies have witnessed slow growth as of lately. Best Buy announced earlier this week that it plans to close 50 of its retail stores this year, while Apple continues to open a range of new stores.
Apple has always been famous for its retail space, which has been perfectly crafted over the years by the senior execs at Apple. The stores have been a main selling force for Apple’s products, allowing prospective customers to come in and actually play with the technology. The staff at the stores are also extremely smart and helpful.
Asymco’s study excludes online sales, which Apple is among the most successful at too. At any rate, Apple’s retail experience shows no rate of slowing down.