Re/code regularly gets Apple executives to appear at its annual conferences and this year is no exception. The site announced that Apple’s Senior Vice President of Operations Jeff Williams will speak at the Code Conference 2015, which runs May 26 to May 28th. Re/code’s speaker appearances typically take the form of an interview, so you can expect the executive to give some insight on Apple’s latest announcements (Apple Watch) although naturally major feature announcements will not be discussed. The WWDC keynote will serve as Apple’s platform to feature its newest advancements in iOS and OS X, which is held on June 8th.

Jeff Williams’ public profile has been elevated in recent months as he presented ResearchKit at Apple’s media event in March. Williams is overseeing Apple’s focus on health initiatives and a key individual in leading the Apple Watch development efforts. In addition, Williams continues to justify the ‘Operations’ part of his title by managing Apple’s global supply chain.