In a new press release today, Apple announced that it has partnered with the nonprofit organization 100cameras to give students in Chicago the new iPhone 11. Through this partnership, the students are taught how to express themselves through visual storytelling with the iPhone.

The iPhones were distributed to students from DRW College Prep, as part of a course on using photography to tell the story of “growing up in Chicago at a time when its history is being erased by things like gun violence and gentrification.”

After the program, 100cameras sells the prints of student pictures, and the proceeds go back to local community partner organizations. Here’s how Apple describes the 100cameras nonprofit:

Apple’s vice president of iPhone Worldwide Marketing said that the partnership has showcased the creativity of the students using the latest features of the iPhone 11 camera:

After each program, prints of the students’ photos are sold through 100cameras and 100 percent of proceeds go back to the local community partner organizations they visit.

Through the program, the DRW College Prep students went through eight lessons and completed a series of photo drills and photo walks. You can see some of the images they took below.

You can read Apple’s full announcement on the partnership here.