Tonight, Apple Stores held quarterly meetings across the United States. These meetings rarely unveil anything of significance for consumers, and tonight’s meeting was close to no exception. According to several retail sources, tonight’s meetings focused on numbers and on past store results. However, a new employee training initiative was announced. Apple promised employees that more details will be revealed in the coming days, perhaps even starting tomorrow, but we have some tidbits:

  • This new employee training initiative is called “Pathways.”
  • Upper level management is said to share excitement over the program, and management believes that the program will foster an improved Apple retail experience for both employees and Apple customers
  • The new training program is based around creating an Apple career path for new Apple retail hires
  • New Apple retail hires will be considered to be in on-going training during the entirety of their first year working at Apple retail
  • The program’s logo is a green iOS icon with a path like, curved arrow formation
  • This program affects new and even current employees going through training sessions
  • Pathways focuses on providing three-times the amount of core training. Core training is basically the basics of working in the Apple Store. New employees are taught customer interaction, store features, and about the products.
  • Apple Stores will now have a new employee dedicated to managing Pathways and other training operations

Apple’s retail division is currently undergoing a time of transition from its old leader to its new leader John Browett. In his first interaction with retail employees, Browett promised several changes and new programs. Most recently, and notably, Browett moved up planned fall raises to late June. With Browett’s retail philosophy focusing on customer service, and Pathways focusing on creating a better environment for employees and the customer, Browett likely spearheaded the new program’s creation.