According to a new report from Japanese paper Diamond Online, Apple may be on the way to using Panasonic’s LCDs for its devices. Panasonic has reportedly dropped out of the TV-set LCD business, and it wants to move to making LCDs for smaller devices like tablets, handsets, laptops, desktops, and more. It has provided “sample high resolution LCD panels for Apple,” and Apple is said to “be satisfied with the samples.”

Panasonic will begin work on the smaller LCDs at its Himeji factory, an eco-friendly factory founded in 2010. The plant aims to “reduce energy use in production.” There are no details if an agreement has been signed between Apple and Panasonic or when that might be.

In the past, Apple has used Samsung, LG, and Sharp for high-resolution panels. However, in recent reports, many have said that Apple is reducing component orders from Samsung due to the two companies’ ongoing patent disputes that have been playing out worldwide.

Apple may be looking for new display partners so it can avoid running into production hiccups when a new product is launched. Part of the iPhone 5 delay for many customers could be contributed to manufacturing difficulties at Sharp and others. More partners means more production.

via Macotakara