We frequently caution that Apple patents and trademarks all kinds of things it will never do, but one trademark application filed this week seems more likely than not to make it into real products. The company has applied to register its Apple Music logo trademark for use on clothing, wristbands and more …

Apple’s application is for an additional category of use for its existing Apple Music logo trademark, comprised of the Apple logo with the word ‘MUSIC’ alongside it. Patently Apple notes that Apple wants to add what’s known as International Class 25 use, which covers a wide range of clothing and miscellaneous items.

As usual with such filings, the wording is as broad as possible to cover anything the company might ever want to do, while the intended usage is likely for a small number of items such as baseball caps, t-shirts and wristbands.

The most likely use would seem to be promotional items for music festivals like the company’s own Apple Music Festival, SXSW and the like. However, it’s not impossible that the company might choose to make some items available for sale, either in limited quantities through the Apple Store within the Apple Park campus, or perhaps more widely through other stores.