Apple has quietly launched a new mentorship program aimed at first-generation college students studying accounting and economics. It includes support from Apple employees and the possibility for job shadowing and even paid internships. The new program starts early in 2021 and applications are open now.
Spotted by MyHealthApple, the new college mentorship program does have some notable requirements. To be eligible to apply, you’ll need to be a first-generation college freshman or sophomore as well as majoring accounting, economics, or finance.
Here’s how the company describes “Launch@Apple”:
Apple engineer Logan Kilpatrick tweeted about the new opportunity just before Christmas. The image below includes all the details you need to make sure you’re eligible and everything you need to include in your application (due by January 8, 2021).
Launch matches students one-on-one with Apple mentors and provides resources and opportunities for personal and professional growth. Launch will focus on the essentials to manage and then excel in school and work. Opportunities for job shadowing, paid externships, and paid internships may also be available to Launch participants.
It’s not totally clear, but this could be part of or related to Apple’s $100M Racial Justice and Equity efforts.
- Apple expands coding partnerships with Historically Black Colleges as part of Racial Equity and Justice Initiative
- Apple announces new ‘Racial Equity and Justice Initiative’ with $100 million commitment
- Apple supporting teachers with remote learning initiative
Friends, if you are or know a first generation college student (freshman or sophomore) majoring in finance, economics, or accounting, please have them apply for Launch@Apple!
— Logan Kilpatrick (@OfficialLoganK) December 22, 2020